Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Homeward Bound

We drove home on the Friday evening. It was a lovely evening but I don’t remember much of the journey; I was sat looking out of the window, looking at everything I have always taken for granted, our beautiful landscape, seeing people running, walking laughing, life going on around me as it had been whilst I was in hospital. 
I am not ashamed to say that I envied people with “working” legs.  I hated how mine had become, hated seeing what the steroids had made me into, changed my shape completely, and although I was now off them, and they had helped reduce the swelling around the spinal cord, I resented them for this body I was now living in. 
Although mum had prepared food for us, what I really wanted was a curry, so we stopped and got an Indian take-away.  I was so used to bland (although pleasant) food in hospital; I really wanted something with flavour.  We had mums dinner the following day J

Going home was very strange, almost alien like.  It felt so odd walking back into the house I had left six weeks previously.  My cats were a little apprehensive about me being back and whilst Mark unloaded the car, brought everything in and settled me down, I sat on the sofa and cried again.  I don’t know why, emotion just over took me.  I was scared about being out of the security of the hospital where everything was safe and done for me if I needed.  Now I had to learn to, quite literally, stand on my own two feet. 

That night in bed, Mark and I held onto each other; our own peaceful sanctuary, just the two of us.  We didn’t have to talk, I don’t know what he was thinking, but I just thanked god I was alive and home again and with a little bit of work, and the help of my surgeon, I had my legs back and that, a start of a new future.

New Legs

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