Thursday, 5 April 2012

One Step Forward.....

One step forward, two steps back is what they say isnt it?
This week it certainly feels that way.  I am walking about without the stick now, feeling much more confident as the days move into weeks and am beginning to feel normal again.
So, when an achy neck and shoulder gradually gets worse and feels so bad it is keeping me awake at night, I figured I would see the doctor.  The pain radiates from the neck and down the right arm, all the way down to my thumb which has now lost feeling, the numbness and tingling has just touched the two fingers close to the thumb.
Am starting to worry now.
The doctor prescribed Naproxen, a stronger version of ibuprofen I think.  His words then were; if it doesnt improve after Easter, come back and see me and I will arrange a scan as it could be the C6 and C7 disc pinching the nerve...... oh god, dejavu.......
The week has progressed as has the pain and the tablets, although making me feel sick, have not done much in the way of pain relief so I rang the surgery and asked him to call me. 
Perhaps I am paranoid, but gut instinct has now told me to listen to my body and something just isnt right.
He rang me back, still I feel paranoid but he is ok about it, can I travel to Bradford for a scan? It would be quicker than waiting? Absolutely yes.  It's not booked for Friday 13th at 9am.  I am hoping the date isnt a bad omen!
Fingers crossed this can be dealt with quickly and non surgically, I really have had enough of hospitals for a while now!
Now I just have to sit and wait to see what the outcome will be - keep your fingers crossed for me xxx

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